Mickey Keating's film, Darling, a Glass Eye Pix production, is now available on iTunes and DVD!

Joe Begos's Fangoria-produced ode to the elderly, V.F.W., is now streaming on Shudder!

Bliss, Joe Begos's blood-soaked sleazefest, is now streaming on Shudder, but really, you're going to want this on Blu-ray.

Mickey Keating's latest film Offseason is currently making the festival rounds before it releases on Shudder in 2022

Alone With You
Directors Emily Bennett and Justin Brooks debut feature film Alone With You is going around festivals now. Watch for it in 2022 from Dark Star Pictures!

Something In the Dirt
Now out in theaters!

Christmas Bloody Christmas
Joe Begos's wild Christmas tale is coming to theaters and to Shudder on December 9th!!